“Maybe it is time to retire from the narrative of saving/changing the world. What if the world is trying to save us?”

- Bayo Akomolafe

What gifts is life trying to bring you this Spring?

One of the core principles of regeneration is to allow the soil to rest for a time for it to restore and replenish itself with needed nutrients. If you didn’t get much time for deep, winter rest, let this be your moment. Download this guide by Bristol Baughan to help you design your own personal spring-cleaning retreat.

Carve out a day, a half day, or a couple of hours’ worth of reflection, celebration, and intention in your own home.

Inside this guide you will find:

  • guided meditations to help you ground, rest, and inquire within as well reconnect to what makes you come alive.

  • suggestions on how to create the perfect space and schedule for your personal journey.

  • thought-provoking journaling prompts to help you reflect on the past season and the one to come

“Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman

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I work with executives and entrepreneurs to unlock their passion, pleasure, and purpose toward a more regenerative future.

Want to discover what makes you come alive, and how to lean into it?